Corporate Identity goes well beyond the color scheme, typography scheme, a logo, and slogan. An Identity includes all of the aforementioned elements but it goes much further. An identity is meant to create a cohesive look and feel across all mediums and business collateral’s. Consistency allows the target audience to build memories about your product, company or organization. Corporate identity is used to identify, drive, and portray what the product, company or organization stands for. Creating an identity at its core is storytelling through type, imagery, tone, motto’s, slogans, marketing collateral and written content. Corporate Identity isn’t Brand Identity Corporate Identity and Brand Identity go hand in hand. However, you […]
Category: Graphic Design
What is a Logo?
The Logo is the product, company or organizations chance to make a first impression, therefore it should be a lasting one. A logo is a graphic symbol used as a visual representation for the product, company, or or organization. It’s main purpose is to elicit recognition. Logos define and symbolize identity and personality using imagery to convey either a literal or abstract representation. Logos acts as a mnemonic devices. They communicates purposeful thoughts and feelings and generates desirable emotional responses from the target audience.Logo can strengthen the recognition of the product, company or organizations message. Additionally, a well planned logo could potentially provide a subconscious psychological advantage over the competition. […]
Welcome to the HavaWebsite Blog

Welcome to the HavaWebsite Blog. Our blog is dedicated to informing our customers about web design and development. Additionally, the HavaWebsite blog is dedicated to helping and informing other web designers and developers, with a focus on WordPress development. The HavaWebsite blog will feature articles about website design, web development, content management, eCommerce, graphic design, image editing, and software tips and tricks; in addition to, any other content deemed to be relevant. We hope you find our blog to be a good resource for information pertaining to the web design and development industry. Thanks for visiting the HavaWebsite blog, please explore some of our other blog posts, as well as, […]